Current Research and Projects


Method development for analyzing dioxin-like PCBs, PBDEs, and PBDDs/PBDFs.

The 9th round of international intercalibration study on dioxins, dioxin-like PCBs and PBDE/DFs.

The fourh Italian intercalibration round for the detection of PCDD/F, PCB and PAH on municipal sludge (A) and on Venice sediment

Dioxin in ambient air of Hong Kong (collaborating with HK-EPD)


Dioxin in soils from Pennyˇ¦s Bay (collaborating with Enviropace)

Comparison study of dioxin contamination in selected areas of HK and Beijing (collaborating with RCEES, CAS


PBDEs in environmental samples from an e-waste site (collaborating with INREM, HKBU)

Dioxins in the air samples from HK and Pearl Delta River region (collaborating with INREM, HKBU)